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Global and Task-related Exit Programs

You must enable each user exit that an application program needs before it is called, and you can disable it when the application program has finished with it, though you do not have to; user exits are always disabled by default when CICS starts up. You use the CICS command ENABLE PROGRAM to enable a user exit program, and the CICS command DISABLE PROGRAM to disable a user exit program. If you try to enable an invalid exit an EIBRCODE of X'804000' is returned. If you try to enable an exit that is valid but not implemented, an EIBRCODE of X'804010' is returned. The EXTRACT EXIT command is also provided; you use this to gain access to the work area of a user exit program. For details of the level of support provided for these commands see the topic System Programmers Commands.

You must define each user exit program as a program (in the PLT) and the definition must be available on the running system.

For information about global user exits and task-related user exits see the IBM manual CICS/ESA 3.3 Customization Guide. This manual contains a list of valid user exit points.

You need to include the following two copybooks in your user exit program, whether it is for a global user exit or a task-related user exit:

  • The user exit parameters are passed to your exit program in structure uxi-user-exit-interface, defined in the copybook dfhcbuxi.cpy. Two fields in this structure, uxi-operational-flags-ptr and uxi-scheduling-flags-ptr, point respectively to two further structures, lk-uxc-operation and lk-uxz-schedule-param, in the other copybook, dfhcbuxc.cpy.
  • A CICS application can call a task-related user exit directly, for example, to obtain the address of the task area. Normally, the CICS application would call a task-related user exit program with the DFHRMCAL macro. As this macro is not supported, the application must call the user exit program directly, and must include the copy books dfhcbuxi.cpy and dfhcbuxc.cpy. If a user exit program can be called by an application program, you need to use a mechanism by which the exit program can decide whether it was called by an application program or by MSS. The sample exit program included below shows one approach: the application sets an unused bit in lk-uxc-schedule, which the user exit program tests for.

Here is a skeleton example of a task-related user exit program:

       id division.
       program-id. samptrue.
       environment division.
       configuration section.
       input-output section.
       data division.
       file section.
       working-storage section.
       01 work-scl.
           02 ws-allocate-local.
              03 ws-allocate-local-ptr-x.
                 04 ws-allocate-local-ptr       pointer.
              03 ws-allocate-local-size         pic x(4) comp-5.
              03 ws-allocate-local-return       pic x(4) comp-5.
                 88 ws-allocate-local-ok-88        value 0.
                 88 ws-allocate-local-no-space-88  value 1.
                 88 ws-deallocate-local-invalid-88 value 2.
                 88 ws-deallocate-inv-length-88    value 157.
           02 ws-allocate-local-type            pic x.
           02                                   pic x.
           02 ws-mfpm-register-flag             pic x(2).
              88 ws-mfpm-assign-24-88              value x'0000'.
              88 ws-mfpm-absolute-24-88            value x'0200'.
              88 ws-mfpm-assign-31-88              value x'0001'.
              88 ws-mfpm-absolute-31-88            value x'0201'.
           02 ws-mfpm-allocate-size             pic x(4) comp-x.
           02 ws-mfpm-allocate-ptr-x.
              03 ws-mfpm-allocate-ptr           pointer value null.
       linkage section .
       copy 'dfhcbuxi.cpy'.
       copy 'dfhcbuxc.cpy'.
       01 lk-global-area.
           03 lk-ga-byte pic x occurs 0 to 4096
               depending on uxi-global-area-length.
       01 lk-local-area.
           03 lk-la-byte pic x occurs 0 to 4096
               depending on uxi-local-area-length.
       procedure division using
           move 0                      to return-code
           set address of lk-uxc-operation 
               to uxi-operational-flags-ptr
           set address of lk-uxc-schedule-parm
               to uxi-scheduling-flags-ptr
           move 0                      to lk-uxc-return-code
           *> -- Are we being called by an application?
           *> -- (User application sets unused value in lk-uxc-schedule.) 
           if lk-uxc-schedule = x'02'
               perform called-by-application
           *> -- Register syncpoint interest
           move 78-lk-uxc-TRUE-on-sync to lk-uxc-schedule-byte
           *> -- Register start of task interest
           call "CBL_OR" using 
               by value 1
           *> -- Register any other interest here by OR'ing bits
           *> -- in lk-uxc-schedule-byte as above.
           if lk-uxc-exit-id not = 0 *> -- handle only TRUEs
           evaluate true
           when lk-uxc-initialization-88
           when lk-uxc-shutdown-88
           when lk-uxc-task-start-88
               perform save-TA-address
           when lk-uxc-task-syncpoint-88
               perform end-task-process
           when lk-uxc-user-syncpoint-88
               set address of lk-global-area 
                   to uxi-global-area-ptr
               set address of lk-local-area 
                   to uxi-local-area-ptr
               evaluate true
               when lk-uxc-syncpoint-prepare-88
                   *> -- We haven't registered an interest for this
               when lk-uxc-syncpoint-commit-88
                   perform commit-process
               when lk-uxc-syncpoint-rollback-88
                   perform rollback-process
       called-by-application section.
           *> -- Add any code here that you wish to execute when
           *> -- called by an application program.
           *> -- This sample passes back the address of the local 
           *> -- task area.
           set uxi-local-area-ptr      to ws-mfpm-allocate-ptr
       save-TA-address section.
           *> -- Convert local task area address and save in W/S.
       end-task-process section.
           *> -- Insert code here that you wish to perform at
           *> -- end of task.
       commit-process section.
           *> -- Insert code here that you wish to perform at 
           *> -- user syncpoint.
       rollback-process section.
           *> -- Insert code here that you wish to perform at 
           *> -- user backout.

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