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Dependency Paths

The compiler searches for dependent files such as COBOL copybooks in the folders defined on the Dependency Paths tab of the Build Path page in the project’s properties (click Micro Focus > Build Path in the project’s properties). This tab enables you to include specific folders and also to control the search order.

If you have imported copybooks using a virtual folder in your project, you need to add them to the project's dependencies. To do this navigate to Micro Focus > Build Path in the project's properties then on the Dependency Paths tab check the copybook paths that correspond to the folders that include the imported copybooks, and then click OK.

To add dependency paths

You can specify folders outside your project or at a remote location. To add a new path:

  1. Click Add.

    This opens the Add File System Directory dialog box.

  2. In the Directory field, type the path to the folder required. Alternatively, you can click Browse to open the Browse For Folder dialog box.
    Note: For a network file system such as NFS or Samba, the Directory value should be the UNIX or Linux representation of the path. For example, a location of X:NFS-mounted-drive location\project name can be represented by a remote location of /home/users/my-folder.
    • If you want to search subfolders as part of the dependency path, click Include subfolders.
  3. Click Finish.
Note: Paths are specified as absolute paths, so if you share projects between users you need to ensure that the same path structure is used on each users's computer.
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