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Printing or Punching Data Sets (MFJPTPCH)

The MFJPTPCH program is a partial emulation of the IBM IEBPTPCH (Print-Punch) mainframe utility for printing or punching datasets.


This program supports all the major functions and options with the exception of the EXITS and LABELS statements, the options CDSEQ, CDINCR, CNTRL, DBCS, PREFORM, and the FIELD clause conversion options CV and VC, which are parsed but not processed. The concatenation of datasets on the SYSUT1 DD statement is not supported.

To print or punch the equivalent of directory records, you need to specify (or allow to default) TYPORG=PS for a PDS. It is not necessary to use RECFM=U, BLKSIZE=256 to override the DCB. The four bytes following each member name contain spaces.

For more details about the parameters associated with the supported commands and options, see the IBM z/OS DFSMSdfp Utilities manual.

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