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To configure the build output

Note: PL/I projects only compile for x86 platforms.

To configure the output types for the project and set build directives for the project and for individual files:

  1. On the Application tab in your project properties, specify the file type and the names of the executables produced by the build, as well as whether to produce a single or multiple executables:
    • Console Application - creates a single executable (.exe) for the whole project, or creates an executable for each .pli source file in the project.
    • Link Library (.DLL) - creates a single executable native library (.dll) for the whole project, or creates an executable native library for each .pli source file in the project.
    • Static Library (.LIB) - creates a single library (.lib) for the whole project, or creates a native library for each .pli source file in the project.
    • Mainframe Subsystem Application - only compiles to a single .lib or to multiple .dll files.
  2. Specify the project output path, compile and preprocessor options on the PL/I tab in your project's properties.
    • Click to show a complete list of the Compiler directives you can set on this tab.
    • Click to list the directives in alphabetical order.
    • Click to list the directives in categories.
  3. Use the PL/I Link tab in the project properties to link your executables to .lib or .obj files, and set any additional link settings.
  4. Specify the paths which the IDE should search for copybooks on the Dependency Paths tab:
    • Select PL/I Include Paths to add paths where the IDE should search for include files.
    • Select IMS Copy Paths to add paths where the IDE should search for IMS copybooks.
    Use to add new paths.
  5. For Mainframe Subsystem Applications, use the rest of the tabs to set BMS and IMS settings as required.
  6. Click File > Save All.
  7. If necessary, from the file properties, set any additional build settings on individual PL/I programs in your project.

    If different from the project's properties, the PL/I properties set on individual files take precedence over those set for the project.

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