Defining SQL Descriptor Areas

The following statements require an SQLDA:

Unlike the SQLCA, there can be more than one SQLDA in a program, and an SQLDA can have any valid name. An SQLDA should be included by using the SQL INCLUDE statement:

exec sql include sqlda;

The SQLDA must not be defined within an SQL declare section.

The Open PL/I SQLDA template includes %REPLACE statements for the SQL data types.

/*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* DB2 SQL Descriptor Template                                                         */
/* This should be included by the 'EXEC SQL INCLUDE SQLDA;' statement.                 */
/* Do not place this within an SQL declare statement.                                  */
/*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
declare 1 sqlda based(sqldaptr),                                                       */
   2 sqldaid        char(8),                     /* Eye catcher 'SQLDA   '             */
   2 sqldabc fixed bin(31),                      /* SQLDA size in bytes 16 + 44 * SQLN */
   2 sqln           fixed bin(15),               /* Number of SQLVAR elements          */
   2 sqld           fixed bin(15),               /* Number of used SQLVAR elements     */
   2 sqlvar(1:sqlsize refer(sqln)),              /* Variable descriptor                */
     3 sqltype      fixed bin(15),               /* Variable data type                 */
     3 sqllen       fixed bin(15),               /* Variable length                    */
     3 sqldata      pointer,                     /* Pointer to variable data value     */
     3 sqlind       pointer,                     /* Pointer to null indicator          */
     3 sqlname      char(30) var;                /* Variable name                      */
declare sqlsize fixed bin(15);                   /* Number of sqlvars (sqln)           */
declare sqldaptr pointer;
/* End of SQL Descriptor Template declaration */

/* replaces for SQL type codes                                                         */
/* replaces of the SQL_TYP_Nxxnnn means with Null indicator                            */
%replace SQL_TYP_DATE      by 384; /* DATE */
%replace SQL_TYP_NDATE     by 385;
%replace SQL_TYP_TIME      by 388; /* TIME */
%replace SQL_TYP_NTIME     by 389;
%replace SQL_TYP_STAMP     by 392; /* TIMESTAMP */ 
%replace SQL_TYP_NSTAMP    by 393;
%replace SQL_TYP_VARCHAR   by 448; /* VARCHAR(I) varying length string I<=4000*/41) 
%replace SQL_TYP_NVARCHAR  by 449;
%replace SQL_TYP_CHAR      by 452; /* CHAR(I) - fixed length string */
%replace SQL_TYP_NCHAR     by 453;
%replace SQL_TYP_LONG      by 456; /* LONG VARCHAR - varying length I > 4000 */
%replace SQL_TYP_NLONG     by 457; 
%replace SQL_TYP_CSTR      by 460; /* varying length string for C */
%replace SQL_TYPNCSTR      by 461; 
%replace SQL_TYP_VARGRAPH  by 464; /* VARGRAPHIC(I) - varying length */
%replace SQL_TYP_NVARGRAPH by 465;
%replace SQL_TYP_GRAPHIC   by 468; /* GRAPHIC(I) - fixed length graphic */
%replace SQL_TYP_NGRAPHIC  by 469;
%replace SQL_TYP_LONGRAPH  by 472; /* LONG VARGRAPHIC(I) - varying length */ 

%replace SQL_TYP_NLONGRAPH by 473;
%replace SQL_TYP_LSTR      by 476; /* varying length string for Pascal */ 
%replace SQL_TYP_NLSTR     by 477;
%replace SQL_TYP_FLOAT     by 480; /* FLOAT - 8-byte floating point */ 
%replace SQL_TYP_NFLOAT    by 481;
%replace SQL_TYP_DECIMAL   by 484; /* DECIMAL (p,q), sqllen q + (256 * p) */
%replace SQL_TYP NDECIMAL  by 485;
%replace SQL_TYP_ZONED     by 488; /* Zoned Decimal -> DECIMAL (m,n) */
%replace SQL_TYP_NZONED    by 489; 
%replace SQL_TYP_INTEGER   by 496; /* INTEGER - 4-byte signed integer */
%replace SQL_TYP_NINTEGER  by 497; 
%replace SQL_TYP_SMALL     by 500; /* SMALLINT - 2-byte signed integer*/
%replace SQL_TYP NSMALL    by 501;
%replace SQL_TYP_NUMERIC   by 504; /* NUMERIC -> DECIMAL (m,n) */ 
%replace SQL_TYP_NNUMERIC  by 505;

/* End of EXEC SQL INCLUDE SQLDA  -------------------------------------------------*/