Using the PLISAXA and PLISAXB XML parsers

The PLISAXA and PLISAXB built-in subroutines provide basic XML parsing capability. XML parsing lets PL/I programs consume and use inbound XML documents, check the well-formedness of the documents, and react to their contents. SAX parsing is based on the libxml2 XML parser.

These subroutines do not provide XML generation, which must instead be accomplished by PL/I program logic or by using the XMLCHAR built-in function.

PLISAXA and PLISAXB have no special environmental requirements. They execute in all the principal run-time environments, including CICS, IMS, WebSphere MQ, and TSO.

The PLISAXA and PLISAXB built-ins do not support XML name spaces or Unicode UTF-8 documents. They require that the entire XML document be passed in a buffer or a file before any parsing is performed. However, the PLISAXC built-in does not have these limits.