The Rollback function is a command-line version of Automatic Backward Recovery for IMS databases. This function rolls back all corrupt databases. When complete, the output list file shows the results of the rollback.
mfims imsdbu ROLB * TLOG(tlogName) [[NO]CLS] [ECHO(keyword,msglvl,stoplvl [[NO]INI(filespec)] [[NO]LIST(filespec)] [LISTOPEN(disp)] [[NO]LOG(filespec)]
Default: | None |
tlogName | The name of the rollback TLOG file. |
Default: | NOCLS |
Default: | ECHO(MSGS,4,8) |
keyword | The category of information displayed. One of the following:
msglvl | A value from 4 through 20 to indicate the severity of messages to display.1 |
stoplvl | A value from 4 through 20 to indicate the severity of messages to stop for user input. 1 |
Value | Category | Example Cause |
4 | General warning message | A minor coding error in DBD source which DBDGEN can make an assumption about and continue. |
6 | IMS specific warning message | A warning that a keyword or statement is not supported and is ignored - processing can continue. |
8 | General severe error | An incorrect coding in DBD source which cannot be compensated for, such as 'no DBD statement'. |
10 | IMS Option specific severe error | An unsupported feature was defined which cannot be compensated for, such as 'Exceeded some maximum'. |
12 | Severe error - possible temporary condition | A temporary I/O error such as a 'file locked' or 'database locked' status. |
16 | Severe error- permanent - likely installation problem | A permanent I/O error, such as an invalid data set name or member name, was input to a utility or an environment variable is not set correctly. |
20 | Severe error - permanent | An unrecoverable I/O error or some other unexpected error. |
Default: | None |
filespec | The name and location of the .INI file containing directives that override the IMSDBU programmed defaults. |
[IMSDBU] PROGRESS(1000) ;use local log LOG(C:\MYDIR\MYDB.LOG)
Default: | ROLLBACK(*.LST) |
filespec | The name and location to use for the listing file. |
Default: | LISTOPEN(NEW) |
disp | The disposition to use. One of:
Default: | LOG(IMSDBU.LOG) |
filespec | The name and location of the file to use as the IMSDBU activity log. |