The system encountered an error when attempting to retrieve information on users from the system catalog. This error occurs
if you have not been granted privileges against the system catalog tables. You will be allowed to continue if you receive
this error, but you will be connected as a regular user, not a super user.
We provide SQL scripts you can run to grant privileges against system catalog tables. All are located in your
%ProgramData%\Micro Focus\Enterprise Developermfsql\cfg directory and must be run from there.
Note: Scripts with filenames beginning with
XP enable you to grant privileges to the PUBLIC user ID. Scripts with filenames beginning with
XU enable you to grant privileges to any user ID other than PUBLIC.
XUALLVU.SQL - Create a view of the system catalog tables of a location and grant select privileges on that view.
XUGRTALL.SQL - Grant select privileges on the system catalog tables of a location.
XUGRTSYS.SQL - Grant select privileges on the system catalog tables of the SYSTEM location.
- XPSYSVU.SQL and XUSYSVU.SQL - Create a view of the system catalog tables of the SYSTEM location and grant select privileges on that view.