COBEC1110 - COBEC1119
COBEC1110E 'ADDRESS OF' or 'LENGTH OF' must be followed by <data-name>
The given COBOL special-register must be followed by a <data-name> in the argument for an option.
COBEC1111E 'DFHRESP' or 'DFHVALUE' must be followed by <left-paren>
The given CICS symbolic reference must be followed by a parenthesized expression identifying the synbolic value to be translated to a numeric value.
COBEC1112E 'DFHRESP' or 'DFHVALUE' requires <'condition' or 'cvda' name> after <left-paren>
The given CICS symbolic reference must be followed by a parenthesized expression containing the synbolic name to be translated to a numeric value.
COBEC1113E 'DFHRESP' or 'DFHVALUE' missing closing <right-paren>
The given CICS symbolic reference requires a closing right parenthesis after the synbolic name.
COBEC1114E <user text> is not a valid <'condition' or 'cvda' name>
The symbolic name given in the DFHRESP or DFHVALUE construct is not a valid symbolic name for that construct.
COBEC1115E 'DFHRESP' or 'DFHVALUE' cannot be an option on EXEC command
The given CICS symbolic reference appeared in an EXEC CICS statement where an 'option' name is expected.
COBEC1116E 'IN' or 'OF' requires preceding <data-name>
The given word signals qualification and must be preceded by a data-name. Note that 'OF' preceded by 'LENGTH' or 'ADDRESS' is treated as a special case.
COBEC1117E 'IN' or 'OF' cannot follow a <literal>
The given word signals qualification and may not follow a character or numeric literal.
COBEC1118E 'IN' or 'OF' must be followed by <data-name>
The given word signals qualification and must be followed by a data-name.
COBEC1119E <data-name> is invalid here
A data-name is invalid in the context of the statement at this point. This is most likely because of a missing 'IN' or 'OF' for qualilfication or after 'LENGTH' or 'ADDRESS'.
Parent topic:
COBEC Error Messages