Installing Subclipse

If you want to use the functionality of the AWM SVN function package you have to install

The AWM SVN integration is based on Subclipse with JavaHL. Subclipse is not automatically installed with Enterprise Developer because it might interfere with other Eclipse SVN integrations, like Subversion. To install Enterprise Developer with the Subclipse integration, call the installation script installeclipseplugins.bat with the option installSubclipse:

installeclipseplugins.bat -installSubclipse

If Enterprise Developer is already installed, you must ensure that you have Subclipse 1.6.0 or later installed. You can install Subclipse into Enterprise Developer from the following update site in your local file system:

%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Micro Focus\Enterprise Developer\etc\AWM\SVN Attachment\Subclipse Update Site

After you have installed Subclipse you have to install the AWM SVN Integration feature from the MFUpdateSiteED located under %ProgramFiles(x86)%\Micro Focus\Enterprise Developer \installer\files. Installation of the AWM SVN Integration is an option on the installation dialog when installing the AWM Update Site into Enterprise Developer via Eclipse Help > Install New Software.

Under IDz, you must install Subclipse from the update site AWMUpdateSiteRDz. The AWM Update Site is located in :

%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Micro Focus\Enterprise Developer\installer\files.