Allocate the Installation Sequential Data Set

To allocate the installation sequential data set:

  1. On the mainframe, from the ISPF Primary Option Menu panel, select option Utilities.
  2. From the Utility Selection panel, select the option Data Set.
  3. In the Name field, type the name of an installation sequential data set (for example, MFDATA.INST.LIB.SEQ) to load the installation JCLs in IEBUPDTE format from your 2.2 installation directory\Installation procedure directory.
  4. Specify option A to allocate the data set.
  5. On the Allocate New Set panel, enter the appropriate parameters.
    Note: The default Space units parameter is CYLS (cylinders).

    The Allocate New Data Set menu showing the current allocation parameters is displayed.

Once allocated, a Data set allocated message displays in the right corner.