Region Startup: No SEP Endpoint

The following type of error messages appear at region startup:
Micro Focus .NET Enterprise Server - Region Startup Version 1.000.0000
 Copyright (C) 1984-2012 Micro Focus

CF0052I Cold start of region 'ESDEMO' starting CF0020I 
SQL Server instance created using Standard Edition (64-bit)
CF0021I Using datasource "(local)"
CF0023I Using database "MicroFocus$SEE$Region$ESDEMO"
CF0027I Using SIT "DFH$IVP"
CF0009E An exception occurred creating region "ESDEMO":
There was no endpoint listening at URL
Endpoint that could accept the message. 
This is often caused by an incorrect address or SOAP action. 
See InnerException, if present, for more details.
CF0002E Failed to configure region

Possible Causes and Resolutions

This can be caused by either of the following:

  • The TCP port sharing service has not been started.

    See How to Enable the Net.TCP Port Sharing Service on the Microsoft Developer Network for instructions on starting the TCP port sharing service.

  • If the user has attempted to start the region with a non-administrative ID, or has UAC enabled, the problem could be due to a TCP port sharing permissions issue.

    See Configuring the Net.TCP Port Sharing Service on the Microsoft Developer Network for more details.