The dbfhdeploy Command Line Utility

Attention: This feature is in Early Adopter Program (EAP) release status. We will continue the development of additional features and provide additional interfaces via patch updates and future releases. Please contact Micro Focus SupportLine if you require further clarification.

Use the dbfhdeploy command line utility to deploy files to your datastore databases.


dbfhdeploy [Options][Category] ActionParameters 
Refer to the running of the command as a whole:
  • -opt - turns on file I/O optimization when deploying files. This option is on by default.
  • -noopt - turns off file I/O optimization when deploying files.
  • -nobanner - display minimal output.
  • -urlhelp - display information about the URL syntax.
  • -verbose - displays additional information, such as the database configuration file and script folder locations in effect, and the deployment time for the current operation.
Defines the item to be acted upon. Valid values are:
The item to be acted on is a data file.
For an add, delete, or extract action, the URL must be of the form: sql://server-name/datastore/filename[?folder=/path]

For a create or list operation, the URL must be of the form: sql://server-name/datastore[?folder=/path]

See The Datastore URL for full details of the required URL syntax.

Action to perform and the data store to perform it on. Valid values are:
list URL
Lists data files that are located in the specified URL.
For example, the following command lists all the data files and sub-folders stored in the VSAM folder of the ESDEMO datastore:
dbfhdeploy data list sql://svr-mydb/ESDEMO?folder=/VSAM
create URL
Create a datastore in the specified URL.
For example, the following command creates the NEWDEMO datastore in the svr-mydb instance:
dbfhdeploy data create sql://svr-mydb/NEWDEMO
add path URL;attribs
Add data file specified in path to the datastore specified in URL.
Some file types require additional attributes, which can be:
The type of file (other than a VSAM file) that is being added.
The minimum and maximum length of each record within the file.
The type of record terminator used in the file. This is used primarily for RRDS files, and is only required for files that have been created on a different platform to the one on which it is currently being deployed.
For example, the following command adds the sequential file file.dat to the USRA folder, in the NEWDEMO datastore in svr-mydb, where it is referred to as mydat and has a (minimum and maximum) record length of 80:
dbfhdeploy data add file.dat sql://svr-mydb/NEWDEMO/mydat?folder=/USRA;type=seq;reclen=80,80
Note: On Linux platforms, you must remember to escape the semicolon with a backslash; for example, ...folder=/USRA\;type=seq\;reclen=80,80.
delete URL
Delete data files from datastore specified in URL.
For example, the following command deletes the mydat data file stored in the USRA folder, in the NEWDEMO datastore:
dbfhdeploy delete sql://svr-mydb/NEWDEMO/mydat?folder=/USRA
You can also delete multiple files/folders using one of the following:
  • The following command delete all files and sub-folders under the MyTests folder:
    dbfhdeploy delete sql://svr-mydb:50000/VSAM?type=folder;folder=/MyTests
  • The following command deletes all files and folders within the VSAM data store:
    dbfhdeploy delete sql://localhost:50000/VSAM?type=folder;folder=/
  • The following command deletes all files within the MyTests folder that start with 'a' or 'A':
    dbfhdeploy delete sql://localhost:50000/VSAM/a*?folder=/MyTests
Tip: Specifying the -verbose option with any of these commands displays the files and folders that are deleted.
extract URL path
Extracts a copy of the data file specified in URL to the path specified by path.
For example, the following command extracts a copy of mydat from the USRA folder of the NEWDEMO datastore, and saves it as my-extract.dat:
dbfhdeploy data extract sql://svr-mydb/NEWDEMO/mydat?folder=/USRA my-extract.dat
keys <key-options>
Perform operations on keys within an indexed file. [18]
upgrade URL
Note: Only use this option when instructed to by a Micro Focus SupportLine representative.
Upgrades the stored procedures associated with the data file specified in URL.
For example, the following command upgrades any stored procedures associated with the mydat2 data file stored in the USRB folder of the NEWDEMO datastore:
dbfhdeploy upgrade sql://svr-mydb/NEWDEMO/mydat2?folder=/USRB
Key Options:
This example lists all the keys (primary and alternate) that are defined for the my.dat file in the ESDEMO datastore:
dbfhdeploy keys list sql://svr-mydb/ESDEMO/my.dat
The result may be something like this, showing two keys - one that allows duplicates, and one that doesn't:
Key  Start  Length  Dupl  Dupl #
---  -----  ------  ----  ------
0    1      3       N     0
1    5      3       Y     0
Perform an operation on a specific key where <key-id> is the key number indicated in the keys list (see list URL action above). <key-op> is one of the following:
  • dup=n|no|false - change key to disallow duplicates. (No duplicate key values must exist before you can change to this setting.)
  • dup=y|yes|true - change key to allow duplicates.
For example: the following command disallows duplicate key values for key #1 in the key list for my.dat.
dbfhdeploy keys 1:dup=no sql://host/datastore/my.dat