Files in the CICS Docker Demonstration

The files contained in the CICS Docker demonstration are as follows:

MSS folder Folder containing source files for the CICS application.

This folder is only supplied with SUSE Linux.

bld.env Configuration file defining various environment variables that are used while building the images. The environment variables define details such as the names of installable files and strings to be used for different parts of the image names.

Definitions of functions used in the script. Batch file to automate the process of building CICS Docker demonstration images.

For full details on the parameters you can specify to see Running the CICS Docker Demonstration.

Shell script to rebuild and package the CICS Docker demonstration application.

Dockerfile Dockerfile used to build the CICS Docker demonstration image.

For a detailed look at the commands used in this file, see Dockerfiles in the CICS Docker Demonstration.

MSS.tar.gz .tar file containing source files for the CICS application.
MSS64_export.tar.gz .tar file containing MFDS resource definitions for the CICS application.
palic.env Configuration file used to specify the name of the license (.mflic) file for Enterprise Server.

Files for HTML and plain text documents containing instructions on how to build the CICS Docker demonstration images.

sample_setup Script to start the Micro Focus Directory Server (MFDS), deploy the region definitions, then application and display the console .log file for the region until the container is terminated.
Note: The name of the Enterprise Server base image depends on the platform you are using:
  • On Red Hat Linux the base image is microfocus/entserver:rhel7_5.0_x64.
  • On SUSE Linux the base image is microfocus/entserver:sles12sp3_5.0_x64.