Maximum Number of Open Files

Restriction: This topic applies to Windows environments only.

Set the XDB Server to allow between 256 and 32,767 logically open files at any time. Each additional open file adds approximately 100 bytes of memory overhead to the XDB Server.

Once a file has been accessed, the XDB Server keeps the file logically open. A least recently used (LRU) algorithm determines which files to physically close when the limit is reached. The LRU significantly reduces the overhead related to physically opening and closing files during query processing.

If query processing is slow, increase the maximum number of open files.

To set the parameter (UNIX):

  1. Press F4 Configure System Minimums/Maximums.
  2. Press F6 Maximum Number of Open Files.
  3. Enter the desired number and press Enter.

To set the parameter (Windows:

  1. Click the Limits tab.
  2. Enter the desired number in the Maximum Open Files text box, or drag the slider.