Set Compiler Options (COMOPT) for background parsing TAUENXCO

The exit TAUENXCO allows you to set the local compiler options for the background parser of the editor. This exit can be used to set the local compiler options depending on the Endevor processor groups. The exit is called from the user exit TAUENXSL.

To activate the exit it is necessary that an application specific attribute is defined in the Endevor model with the name COMPOPT and the value '&NDV_PROP_CompOpt.'. By default, this application specific attribute does not permit changes to TAUENXCO to take effect.

See Compiler Directives for more information on valid local compiler options.

The default local compiler option setting for a COBOL program is:


The default local compiler option setting for a PL/I program is:

-margins 1,72 -cics