Overview of REXX procedures

The following REXX procedures are part of the Endevor Attachment:

REXX Name Description
Endevor Element Actions  
TAUENBEL Get Endevor element source for Browse
TAUENBLL Get Endevor element information (BE, HE, CE, BX, CX, HX, LL)
TAUENBLM List an Endevor member using the Print function
TAUENEAC Create a temporary sequential data set
TAUENEAD Add an Endevor element
TAUENECR Create a new Endevor element
TAUENECS Check if required element action is allowed
TAUENEDE Delete an Endevor element
TAUENEED Process functions used during a remote Edit action: retrieve, add, generate
TAUENEGE Generate an Endevor element in place
TAUENEG1 Generate an Endevor element
TAUENEMO Move an Endevor element
TAUENERE Retrieve an Endevor element
TAUENESI Sign in / sign out
TAUENETR Transfer an Endevor element
TAUENEVA Validate an Endevor element
Endevor Package Actions  
TAUENPA1 Process Endevor Packages, Actions Approve, Deny, Backin, Backout, Commit, Inspect, Execute, Reset
TAUENPCA Process Endevor Packages, Actions Create, Modify, Cast
TAUENPDE Process Endevor Packages, Actions Delete
Endevor ACMQ Action
TAUENACM Process ACMQ requests
TAUENIAC Interpret the result from the ACMQ function
Endevor Search Action
TAUENSRC Process search request
TAUENISR Interpret the search result
Endevor MCF Report Action
TAUENRPT Process MCF report request
TAUENFPR Generate footprint report job
Endevor Filter  Actions For Table Structures
TAUENFEL Create an Endevor element table using search filter
TAUENGPK Create an Endevor package table using search filter
Endevor Table and Tree  Actions For Table and Tree Structures
TAUENGCI Get list of used CCIDs for tree view 
TAUENGEL Get element list for tree and table view
TAUENGEN Get environment list for tree view
TAUENGLC Get component level list for table view
TAUENGLV Get element level list for table view
TAUENGOP Get Endevor site options
TAUENGPK Create an Endevor package table using search filter
TAUENGPR Get processor group list for tree view
TAUENGSB Get subsystem list for tree view
TAUENGST Get stage list for tree view
TAUENGSY Get system list for tree view
TAUENGTV Get tree view types for tree view (Environment view / CCID view)
TAUENGTY Get type list for tree view
TAUENPST Get package status for tree view
Determination of  Endevor Properties To Complete the Properties view
TAUENEPR Determine the properties of an Endevor element or element level
TAUENGPK Determine the properties of an Endevor package
TAUENGSI Get stage ID for a given stage no
Endevor Select Values Actions  
TAUENLEL List filtered Endevor elements
TAUENLEN Determine valid Endevor environment
TAUENLPR Determine valid Endevor processor groups
TAUENLSB Determine valid Endevor subsystems
TAUENLSI Determine valid Endevor stage IDs
TAUENLSN Determine valid Endevorstage numbers
TAUENLSY Determine valid Endevor systems
TAUENLTY Determine valid Endevortypes
Utilities Used as Subroutines
TAUENS01 Used in an Endevor simulation environment only
TAUENS02 Get Endevor definitions
TAUENS03 Get Endevor element container data
TAUENS04 Get Endevor element level information
TAUENS05 Get Endevor element listings
TAUENS06 Get data for container CMP, CMPOBJ, CMPCOM. Scan the component list and extract input and output components
TAUENS07 Print Endevor member
TAUENS08 Get Endevor element source
TAUENS09 Check if a ddname is already allocated
TAUENS10 Call Endevor API SCL processor in foreground mode
TAUENS11 Call Endevor API SCL processor in foreground mode
TAUENS12 Call Endevor API SCL processor batch
TAUENS13 Call Endevor API ACMQ SCL processor in foreground mode
TAUENS20 Call Endevor API for package information
TAUENS21 Used in an Endevor simulation environment only
TAUENSJC Set job card Shared Pool variables for batch execution
Exits for Endevor  
TAUENXA1 Allocation of temporary files for Endevor Attachment
TAUENXA2 Change type properties to be returned to the client (for example file extension)
TAUENXCI Get a list of valid CCIDs to be used for element action association


Set local compiler options (COMPOPT) for background parsing (called by REXX TAUENXSL)

TAUENXCS Check the selected elements before a mass action is processed
TAUENXSL Set property group and SYSLIB for background parsing
TAUENXTV Define entries and labels of the tree view
Initialization / End Processing  
TAUENINI Initialize the Endevor model (must be called in TAUTOXA1)
TAUENEND Close Endevor