Customizing the Generation of SCLM Architecture Members

The SCLM model contains a sample action that generates all necessary architecture members belonging to an SCLM member. Before using this action, you should customize it, as required.

The included generation example uses the following components:

REXX /skeletons Description
TAUSCMAR REXX for generating SCLM architecture definitions corresponding to one or more SCLM sources.

Adjustments are necessary during variable initialization (type names, language, and member) in the upper part of the procedure.

TAUSCCOM Skeleton for generating SCLM architecture definitions

Adjustments to the layouts for generating CC Archdefs are necessary

TAUSCLNK Skeleton for generating SCLM architecture definitions

Adjustments to the layouts for generating Link Archdefs are necessary

TAUSCHLL Skeleton for generating SCLM architecture definitions

Adjustments to the layouts for generating HLL Archdefs are necessary

TAUSCPKG Skeleton for generating SCLM architecture definitions

Adjustments for generating bind package REXX are necessary

TAUSCPLN Skeleton for generating SCLM architecture definitions

Adjustments for generating bind plan REXX are necessary

TAUSCBND SCLM REXX sample for DB2 relevant languages: Execute Bind Plan or Bind Package (compare Skeletons TAUSCPKG, TAUSCPLN).

Adaptation to the existing promote structure is necessary