
JES0003E  hh:mm:ss.ttt SSI call for function code [002] failed with RC [003]
                       SSOBRETN is ............. : [004]
                       Reason   is ............. : [005]
IEFSSREQ failed. See SA22-7642-xx: MVS Using the Subsystem Interface for details. Keep in mind that the function code, return code, SSOBRETN and Reason code are shown here as hexadecimal values, while the referenced book shows them as decimal values. SSOBRETN [004] and Reason [005] are the return code and reason code returned by the invoked service.

[002] Function code can be:

1 (X'01')
Process JES SYSOUT data sets
11 (X'0B')
15 (X'0F')
Verify subsystem function
20 (X'14')
Request job ID
21 (X'15')
Return job ID
54 (X'36')
Request subsystem version information
70 (X'46')
Scheduler Facilities services
71 (X'47')
JES JOB information
75 (X'4B')
Notify user message service
79 (X'4F')
SYSOUT Application Program Interface (SAPI)
80 (X'50')
Extended Status Function Call
82 (X'52')
JES properties

[003] RC: IEFSSREQ invocation return code. A non-zero return code indicates that a passed parameter was not valid, for example, 8 = subsystem exists but is not active).

Issued by:
System administrator response:
IEFSSREQ macro error. Determine why it failed. If necessary, contact SupportLine.