The DELETE command deletes up to 99 data sets. It can be used for both VSAM and non-VSAM data sets. It deletes the local files associated with the data set and removes the entry from the catalog.


MFJAMS supports the following parameters. They are supported as documented in the IBM documentation unless otherwise stated below:

Names of the data sets to be deleted. This parameter is required. You can specify a list of names separated by blanks and enclosed in parentheses. You can also specify generic names by using '*' as a qualifier. For example, a generic data set name of ABC.*.FILE means all data sets with ABC as the first qualifier, any value as the second qualifier, and FILE as the third and last qualifier.
All GDG data sets will be deleted in addition to the GDG catalog entry.
The GDG catalog entry will not be deleted if any GDG data sets exist.


FORCE and NOFORCE are mutually exclusive. NOFORCE is the default.