Updating Records

When you are in Edit mode, you can type in changes directly on the Result Table or Result Form. As you make the changes, they will be reflected in the Result window.

You can use the clipboard features of your operating environment to copy data from records and paste it into other applications. When you are in Edit mode you can copy data from one field and paste it into another field in the Result window.

Note: You can only cut, copy, or paste the data from one field at a time. You cannot copy an entire record or set of records to the clipboard.
Note: When cutting, copying, or pasting large amounts of data (such as in a varchar or longvarchar field), it may be faster to open a zoom window instead of working in the cell of the Result window. To open a zoom window, double click the desired field in the Result window, or place your cursor in the field and click Zoom from the View menu.