Data Subsetting Phase

To subset a set of tables, Data Manager uses the concept of a method, which is defined as a set of tables to be reduced in a consistent way. One method corresponds to one test environment.

A method can be created with a Wizard, or using a referential integrity model. The following example shows a referential integrity model. For details of using the Wizard approach, see your Data Manager documentation.

From the Work with Jobs window in the Data Builder module, submit the BTEDDUR job:

Work with Jobs

We require two parameters for this job in addition to the interface parameter, which is the same parameter as that used for class assignment. The two additional parameters are:
  • The name to be assigned to the method
  • The class assigned to the starting point, which is the beginning of the reduction model

Secondary Options 5

At the end of this process, Data Builder creates the method. This method appears on the Work with Method window of the Data Subset Extraction module:

Work with Method

This method requires two additional operations:
  • Specify the initial filter. This is the rule applied to the data contained within the tables. In this example, the filter is set to reduce the data to COD_CUS containing a value of 00000000001.

    Selection class / Filter properties

  • Specify output flat file names:

    Elaboration properties

Next, synchronize Data Manager with the DB2 catalog. This updates any index information, enabling Data Manager queries to run optimally. This process includes:
  • On z/OS, generate an interface from the DB2 catalog using the information shown here:


  • From the Work with Jobs window in Data Builder, submit the BURSYN job, which is a Catalog Synchronization job.

    Work with Jobs

  • Provide the filename in the Secondary Options dialog box:

    Secondary Options

At this point, you can generate and execute allocation jobs. Specify the method name on the Secondary Options dialog box; then click OK:

Secondary Options

Next, execute the BTESBMR job, which generates the reduced test environment.
Note: If masking classes are selected, masking is performed automatically without having to first enabling the masking classes.

Work with Jobs

Specify the method on the Secondary Options dialog box:

Secondary Options

At the end of this process, the file AA201.OUT.CUSTOMER is populated with reduced and masked data coming from the production table DELGT.CUSTOMER. This reduced and masked data is in the same format as reduced and masked data created by the UNLOAD utility executed by DSNUTILB on the mainframe.