Configuring the Server

The MFBSIEMX module must be defined as an Event Manager user exit and the variable MFBSI_DIR must be specified in the Configuration Information field under the General tab, similar to following example:



n must be a number ranging from 1 to 9, based on the number of Event Manager user exits for the region:
  • This must be set to 1 if MFBSIEMX is the only Event Manager user exit for the region.
  • When multiple Event Manager user exits are defined, they must be specified in a sequence starting with ES_EMP_EXIT_1, for example:
    Note: mfbsiemx must be in lowercase on UNIX and Linux platforms.
This identifies the base folder to be used by MFBSI. This is the folder where the MFBSIJCL log files, any semaphore files (JOB#####.sem), and substituted JCL members are written to.

By default, the MFBSIJCL component that is submitting jobs to the enterprise server requires the MFBSI_DIR environment variable with the same folder setting.

When running inside a Performance and Availability Cluster (PAC):
  • With enterprise server instances running on a multiple hardware virtual machine:
    • Specify one MFBSI_DIR directory or folder for each hardware or virtual machine directory or folder names can be freely chosen.
    • Copy your mfbsi.cfg into these directories or folders.
  • With enterprise server instances running on a single hardware or virtual machine:
    • Specify one MFBSI_DIR directory or folder for this hardware or virtual machine. Use this directory or folder for each enterprise server instances. The directory or folder name can be freely chosen.
    • Copy your mfbsi.cfg into this directory or folder.

When not running in a PAC, there are two ways to specify MFBSI_DIR for a specific enterprise server instance:

See the following examples of how to specify MFBSI_DIR:

Important: Ensure that the Enterprise Server admin user and the user authority which runs MFBSIJCL have a write access to the MFBSI_DIR location.

MFBSI_DIR supports long and spacey folder names. However, Micro Focus recommends that you avoid using them.

Micro Focus recommends that you use the default settings for MFBSIJCL to specify the enterprise server instance name as part of MFBSI_DIR:

To set MFBSI_DIR to a path that ends with a folder that has the same as the enterprise server instance name and with the default settings for MFBSIJCL:

On Windows:

set MFBSI_DIR=x:\MF\…\MFBSI\ESRegionName


export MFBSI_DIR=/MF/…/MFBSI/ESRegionName

To set MFBSI_DIR to any folder:

  1. To specify the region name at the MFBSIJCL command line, execute:

    On Windows:

    set MFBSI_DIR=x:\MF\...\MYDIR
    mfbsijcl ...  REGION=ESRegionName

    Or, on UNIX:

    export MFBSI_DIR=/MF/.../MYDIR
    mfbsijcl ...  REGION=ESRegionName
  2. To specify the region name in the default mfbsi.cfg file:
    1. Ensure mfbsi.cfg includes the following line:
    2. Set MFBSI_DIR to the location of mfbsi.cfg:

      On Windows:

      set MFBSI_DIR=x:\MF\...\MYDIR

      Or, on UNIX:

      export MFBSI_DIR=/MF/.../MYDIR
  3. To specify the region name in a custom configuration file, custom.cfg, located in x:\MF\...\MFBSICFG\ (Windows) or /MF/.../MFBSICFG/ (UNIX):
    1. Ensure custom.cfg includes the following line:
    2. Set MFBSI_DIR as follows:

      On Windows:

      set MFBSI_DIR=x:\MF\...\MYDIR

      Or, on UNIX:

      export MFBSI_DIR=/MF/.../MYDIR
    3. Specify the custom configuration file when executing MFBSIJCL as follows:

      On Windows:

      mfbsijcl ... CFG=x:\MF\...\MFBSICFG\custom.cfg

      Or, on UNIX:

      mfbsijcl ... CFG=/MF/.../MFBSICFG/custom.cfg

      Or, without specifying the CFG parameter:

      On Windows:

      mfbsijcl ...
      export MFBSI_CFG=x:\MF\...\MFBSICFG\custom.cfg

      Or, on UNIX:

      mfbsijcl ...
      export MFBSI_CFG=/MF/…/MFBSICFG/custom.cfg

After making these settings in the region configuration, restart the server and check the console log for the message CASAM3006I/CASAM3001I to verify successful initialization of MFBSIEMX. Log entries are similar to:

CASAM3006I Event Filter for (mfbsiemx) has been enabled. Filter string: "1:1,3&3:*&4:1,2"
CASAM3001I Event Manager exit enabled (mfbsiemx)

Server initialization creates a file named ESRegionName.Started in the MFBSI_DIR location. When the server shuts down, a file named ESregion.shutdown replaces this file, where ESRegionName is the name of the region being used.

In order to restart any submitted jobs, you need to add some additional configuration settings in your enterprise server instance. See Job Restart for more information.