SENSEG (PSBGEN Statements)

A maximum of 3,000 SENSEGs can be defined in one PSB when using the PSBGEN3 format for PSBGEN. The maximum is 1,000 SENSEGs when using PSBGEN2 format.

A maximum of 255 SENSEGs can be defined for one PCB.

SENSEGs must be listed in the same physical sequence as they are defined in the DBD.

Keyword Values Description
NAME *NAME Supported and edited
PARENT *NAME Supported and edited
PROCOPT G, I, R, D, A , K, P Supported and edited. Most editing is performed when issuing DL/I calls.
E Ignored
SSPTR All values Ignored. Causes a warning message
INDICES All values Ignored. Causes a warning message