Handling SQL Error Return Codes

Your DB2 product includes a routine that translates SQLCODE error values into readable text messages. When you process your program source with Open PL/I's DB2 SQL precompiler, an %INCLUDE statement is inserted into your program, and the include file this incorporates into your program contains a declaration of this SQLCODE translator routine as an entry, as follows:

declare sqldb2err entry(fixed bin(15) value,
                                    /* Buffer Size   */
               fixed bin(15) value, /* Line Width    */
               any,                 /* SQLCA         */
               any)                 /* Buffer        */
      returns(fixed bin(15))

The return code values are:


declare errmsg character(200);

exec sql connect to MYDB;
if sqlca.sqlcode < 0 then do;
   put skip list('Connect failed');
   /* Now print out reason for failure for most */ 
   /* recent SQL statement (i.e., the connect) */ 
   msg_len = sqldb2err(size(errmsg),0,sqlca,errmsg); 
   put skip list(substr(errmsg,1,msg_len));

You do not need to declare sqldb2err. This is done for you automatically, as described above.

For more information about this routine, see SQLGINTP (Get Error Message) in your IBM platform-specific DATABASE 2 Programming Reference manual.