Governor Cycle Time

Restriction: This topic applies to Windows environments only.

If security is enabled, set the governor cycle time to an integer between 1 and 255 to specify the frequency, in seconds, at which the server checks user activity against limits set in the SYSXDB.SYSGOVERNOR table.

The XDB Server terminates sessions of users who have passed their limits. Limit users by the:

For example, if Governor Cycle Time is set to 30 seconds, the system checks user activity against governor limits every 30 seconds. A cycle that is too short increases system overhead and decreases performance.

For more information about the XDB Governor and how to assign restrictions to users, see the description in the chapter Security and Authority.

To set the parameter (UNIX):

  1. Press F4 Configure System Minimums/Maximums.
  2. Press F9 Maximum Governor Cycle time.
  3. Enter the desired cycle time in seconds and press Enter. To disable the governor, the cycle time to zero (0).

To set the parameter (Windows):

  1. Click the General tab.
  2. Mark the Governor checkbox (if it is not already enabled).
  3. Enter the desired cycle time in the Cycle Time text box, or drag the slider.