Global Security and Global Security Location Name

Restriction: This topic applies to Windows environments only.

Once you enable server security, you may enable Global Security if this XDB Server will access another XDB Server or mainframe location for security information (such as AuthIDs and password validation). If you enable Global Security, you must enter the name of the location that contains the global security information.

If Global Security is OFF and the XDB Server's regular security feature is ON, AuthID and password validation are performed on the local XDB Server's SYSXDB.SYSACFUSERS, SYSXDB.SYSACFGROUPS and SYSXDB.SYSACFMEMBERS tables in the SYSTEM location.

See the chapter Security and Authority, or User Administration in the SQLWizard User's Guide for information about setting up AuthIDs and groups for users. See the chapter Server-to-Server Connectivity for information about setting up server-to-server connectivity. See the chapter Multiserver Security for information about setting up global security.

When using global security, the following are granted on the XDB Server where the user will be accessing data: server-to-server connections and inbound/outbound mapping database privileges, governor limits, and similar user controls.

To set the parameter (UNIX):

  1. Press F5 Multiuser Configuration.
  2. Press F9 Enforce Global Security.
  3. Enter the global security location name and press Enter.

To set the parameter (Windows):

  1. Click the General tab.
  2. Mark the Global Security checkbox.
  3. Enter the global security location name in the Location text box.