Receive the Software

Use the TSO RECEIVE command to create the partitioned datasets from the sequential XMIT files. HLQ.CMG is the assumed installation prefix.

Enter TSO or Workstation commands below:
===> receive indataset('hlq.CMG.EXEC.XMIT')  

When prompted, enter:

INMR906A Enter restore parameters or 'DELETE' or 'END' +
restore dataset('hlq.CMG.EXEC’)

The result is a partitioned dataset containing REXX procedures.

Repeat the RECEIVE process for the CUSTOM.EXEC dataset.

The hlq.CMG.CUSTOM.EXEC dataset intended for your customized REXX procedures. It contains a dummy member which you can remove after you have received the dataset. You should concatenate the hlq.CMG.CUSTOM.EXEC dataset in front of the hlq.CMG.EXEC dataset in your MFA user server. If you need to customize a REXX procedure, copy it from hlq.CMG.EXEC to hlq.CMG.CUSTOM.EXEC and make the customization on the copied member.

Repeat the RECEIVE process for the AWMMODEL dataset.

Give the received dataset containing the AWM model the low-level qualifier AWMMODEL. In the Team Developer perspective of Enterprise Developer a file mapping is specified for datasets with the low-level qualifier AWMMODEL which ensures that members of an AWMMODEL dataset are downloaded with the code page IBM-037. This ensures that special characters contained in the AWMMODEL member are correctly interpreted when the model is loaded on the client-side.

If you use another low-level qualifier for the model dataset than AWMMODEL, you have to ensure that a corresponding file mapping is specified on the client-side.