Relationship: Element List Has Action

Use the Element List has Action relationship to define element list actions. Element list actions can appear in the context menu of the element list, but are defined independently of the element types. This lets you define actions that:

This is dependent on the Selection Count attribute of the action Enabled or Visible condition. If no action Enabled or Visible condition is defined, the action can always be carried out. See Enabled/Visible Condition for more information.

Examples of element list actions include:

Attribute Type Description
TargetID * Action Descriptor The action descriptor that should be referenced by means of this relationship.
ActionVisibleCondition [O] ActionVisibleCondition This complex attribute enables you to define the rules when the action should be shown in the context menu of the element list.
ActionEnabledCondition [O] ActionEnabledCondition This complex attribute enables you to specify rules to conditionally activate the action. Non-activated actions are disabled and can not be executed.
Label [O] String The display text or the tooltip for the action.
Show In Context Menu [O] Boolean Determines whether the action is shown in the context menu of the element list entries.
Show In Tool Bar [O] Boolean Determines whether the action is shown in the tool bar of the element list. This feature is currently not supported, but is for future use.


Element List Has Action Relation

Element List Has Action
Attribute Value Description
Target ID Reference to the action SCLM_ACT_InsertSCLMMember The element list action points to the action SCLM_ACT_InsertSCLMMember to create and insert a new SCLM member. An insert member action is a typical element list action as it does not require the selection of an existing member.
Label New SCLM Member... The label to be used for this action when shown as an action of an element list. This value overrides the label defined in the action itself.
Show In Context Menu true The action's label is shown in the context menu of every element of this element list.
Show In Toolbar false The action's label is not shown in the toolbar of this element list.