Get Libraries


This tool returns a file descriptor pointing to a file containing the dependent libraries of a Java classpath container.

Tool Attributes:

Attribute Type Description
Matchname [M] String Specifies the match name to be used by the tool to identify a library.

The default value is JAVA_LIBRARY

Get Project Dependencies [M] Boolean Specifies whether dependencies to other Eclipse projects should also be returned.
Matchname Project Dependencies [O] String Specifies the match name to be used for dependencies to other Eclipse projects. This is only visible if Get Project Dependencies is set to true.


Parameter Name I/O Type Description
Classpath Container ID [M] I String Specifies the Java element ID of the classpath container for which the dependent libraries should be retrieved.
Project ID [M] I String Specifies the Eclipse resource ID of the project to which the classpath container belongs.
Libraries [M] O File Specifies the file descriptor pointing to the result file containing the dependent libraries.

The output file descriptor should be of type InputStream and have the following structure:

Label Target ID
Java Element ID [M] Specifies the Java identifier of the library.
Eclipse Resource ID [M] Specifies the Eclipse resource ID of the project to which the parent classpath container belongs.
Element Type [M] Specifies the match name identifying the AWM element type.