USS Set Permissions


This tool sets the permissions to a USS resource.


Parameter Name I/O Type Description
Resource Path [M] I String USS path of the resource whose permissions are to be set.
Owner Read [O] I String Permission for “Owner Read” (must point to a property of type Boolean).
Owner Write [O] I String Permission for “Owner Write” (must point to a property of type Boolean).
Owner Execute [O] I String Permission for “Owner Execute” (must point to a property of type Boolean).
Group Read [O] I String Permission for “Group Read” (must point to a property of type Boolean).
Group Write [O] I String Permission for “Group Write” (must point to a property of type Boolean).
Group Execute [O] I String Permission for “Group Execute” (must point to a property of type Boolean).
Other Read [O] I String Permission for “Other Read” (must point to a property of type Boolean).
Other Write [O] I String Permission for “Other Write” (must point to a property of type Boolean).
Other Execute [O] I String Permission for “Other Execute” (must point to a property of type Boolean).