Query Menu

Restriction: This topic applies to Windows environments only.

The Query menu provides options for running and designing queries. This menu is available only if a Query Design window or an SQL Edit window is the currently active window.

Run Executes the statement or statements in the current Query Design or SQL Edit window. If the window contains a SELECT statement, a Query Result window is displayed. If it contains non-SELECT statements, these are executed, and the execution status is shown in the status bar at the bottom of the window.
Step Mode If checked, steps through one SQL command at a time when there are multiple commands. This command is enabled only if the Execute All Commands option is in effect. See the Query Run tab in the Options utility online help.
Add Table Displays the Add Table dialog box so that you can add a table to the current Table Display Area of the Query Design window.
Delete Table Deletes the currently selected table from the Query Design window, thus removing it from the query.
And... Displays a dialog box so that you can specify an extended WHERE condition or nested query.
Sort... Displays the Order By dialog box so that you can specify the columns on which the result is to be sorted.
Group... Displays the Group By dialog box so that you can specify the GROUP BY clause used to create a summary result.
Having... Displays the Having dialog box so that you can specify search conditions that summary rows must satisfy.
Show Table Names If checked, adds a row to the Query Conditions Grid. This row displays the name of the table from which each column comes.
Parameters Displays the Parameters dialog box, so that you can supply values for the host variables in an SQL statement. You can fill this out before running your query, or just run the query and let the system prompt you to supply values for the parameters.

The values entered in the Parameters dialog box are saved for use each time you run commands from this window. Use this PARAMETERS command if you want to make changes to the values.

Auto Join Displays the Auto Join submenu. A checked option causes the system to generate an automatic join condition.
Result Table View If checked, opens the Result window in the multi-record Result Table view when a query is run.
Result Form View If checked, opens the Result window in the single-record Result Form view when a query is run.
Highlight Nulls Check this to enable the highlighting of null values in the color selected in the Options utility. When checked, the highlighting differentiates null values from spaces.
Allow Editing If checked, attempts to open the Result window directly into Edit mode when a query is run. There is some additional overhead in doing this, so the default is to not go directly to Edit mode.
AutoCommit If checked, sets AUTOCOMMIT on when a Result window switches to Edit mode.
Show Positive SQL Code Check this to set SQL Wizard to display a warning message when the server returns either a positive or a negative SQL return code. When unchecked, SQL Wizard displays warnings for negative return codes only.
Current Query Options

Displays the Query Options dialog box for the current query. From this dialog box, you can set query design and query run options, such as the maximum number of rows to retrieve.