Column Menu (Result Table View Only)

Restriction: This topic applies to Windows environments only.

The Column menu provides commands for controlling how you view data in a Result window. Most of the commands in the Column menu are applied to the currently selected column(s).

To select a column, double click the column name displayed across the top row of the Result window. The Column menu is available only when a Result window is the active window.

Fix Locks the selected column(s) against the left margin of the Result table grid. When you scroll horizontally, other columns scroll past but the fixed column(s) remain in view. This lets you keep one or more identifying columns visible as you look at the information to the right of the spreadsheet grid.
Free Unlocks fixed columns. This command is available only if you select (double click) one or more fixed columns.

Another way to free a fixed column is to drag it to the right, dropping a it one or more columns away from the left fixed boundary of the table. You can monitor this by watching the left arrow on the horizontal scroll bar, as it relocates when you free the fixed fields.

Hide Removes the selected columns from the Result table display. You can hide as many columns as you want, individually or as a group. To redisplay a column, use the Select Hidden command.

Hiding a column only affects your viewing of the result display. It does not affect the table, where all columns and data remain intact.

Select Hidden Displays the Select Hidden Columns dialog box, allowing you to select which columns should be displayed or hidden. This dialog box displays two lists Hidden Columns and Displayed Columns.

You can move columns between the lists in either of two ways:

  • Click a column name to highlight it. Then clicking on an arrow button to move it to the other list.
  • Double click a column name to move it to the other list.

When you click OK, SQLWizard rearranges the result display to reflect the new set of hidden and displayed columns