Viewing Batch Command Files

Restriction: This topic applies to Windows environments only.

The Export utility allows you to view the current export specifications as that would appear if they were saved to a Batch Export file.

Likewise, you can view the Batch Import commands that would be generated from the information currently appearing on the Export window. This is the SQL that would be saved if you use the Save or Save As command and saved the file as an Import (*.IMP) file.

Generating a batch import file at the time you are exporting data can help you when you plan to import the data onto another XDB Server. You would take the exported data file and the corresponding batch import file to the other XDB Server. Then use batch import on that machine to transfer the data onto that XDB Server.

To view export specifications in batch file formats:

  1. Enter specifications on the Export window.
  2. Click Batch Export Commands from the View menu to display the Batch Export form of the specifications in a scrollable, sizable window.
  3. Click Batch Import Commands from the View menu to display the batch import form of the specifications.
  4. If you plan to reuse this specification, click the Save As command from the File menu to save the batch file.