Thread-specific Data Handling Routines - Example

This program initializes a thread-storage handle and then starts off several threads which each use the handle to access thread local data. Consistency checks are made within each entry to ts-test, on termination of each thread and on termination of the run-unit. This program takes advantage of the Thread-Local-Storage Section, external data items, exit procedures and basic synchronization to achieve this function.

Source Code

       $set reentrant sourceformat(free)
        copy "cblproto.cpy".

        * tstore-main                                              * 
        * Main routine to initialize tables and kick off threads   *   
        *                                                          *     

        program-id. 'tstore'. 
        environment division. 
        special-names. command-line is cmdln. 
        working-storage section. 
        78 THREAD-COUNT VALUE 5. 

        01 tstore-handle    cblt-pointer is external. 
        01 foo-item         pic 9(9) value 0. 
        01 thredid          pic xxxx comp-5. 
        01 thread-handle    cblt-pointer occurs THREAD-COUNT. 
        01 thread-entry     cblt-ppointer.
        01 thread-return    cblt-ppointer.

        thread-local-storage section. 
        01 filler. 
          05 tl-count pic x value 'x'. 
          05 tl-ptr   cblt-pointer. 

        linkage section. 
        01 tstore-item. 
           05 filler       pic x. 
              88 TSTORE-INIT VALUE 'Y'. 
           05 tstore-count pic 999. 

        procedure division. 
       *> Initialize thread table and set up for clean exit 
        call "CBL_TSTORE_CREATE" using         tstore-handle 
                            by value length tstore-item 
                            by value        h"04" 

        call 'ts-get'           using tl-ptr 
        set address of tstore-item to tl-ptr 
        move THREAD-COUNT   to tstore-count 
        set thread-entry    to entry "ts-entry"
        move 1    to thredid 
        perform THREAD-COUNT times    
         call "CBL_THREAD_CREATE_P" using by value thread-entry
           by reference thredid 
           by value     length of thredid 
           by value     0 
           by value     0 
           by value     0 
           by reference thread-handle(thredid) 
         if return-code not = 0 
             call 'CBL_THREAD_PROG_LOCK' 
             display "FAIL: Cannot create thread" 
             call 'CBL_THREAD_PROG_UNLOCK' 
             stop run 
         add 1 to thredid 

        move 1 to thredid

        perform THREAD-COUNT times    
         call "CBL_THREAD_WAIT" using by value thread-handle(thredid)
                                      by reference thread-return

         add 1 to thredid

        call "CBL_TSTORE_CLOSE" using by value tstore-handle 

        stop run. 

        end program 'tstore'. 

        *                                                          *
        * ts-entry                                                 * 
        * Root entry point for threads created by application      * 
        *                                                          *
        program-id. 'ts-entry'. 
        working-storage section. 
         78 REP-COUNT VALUE 5. 

        01 tl-ptr   cblt-pointer.

        linkage section. 
        01 lnk-thredid.
           05 lnk-thread-id pic xxxx comp-5. 

        01 tstore-item.
           05 filler pic x. 
             88 TSTORE-INIT VALUE 'Y'. 
           05 tstore-count pic 999. 
        procedure division using lnk-thredid. 
        perform REP-COUNT times 
         call 'ts-test' using lnk-thread-id 
        call 'ts-get'  using tl-ptr 
        set address of tstore-item to tl-ptr 
        call "CBL_THREAD_PROG_LOCK" 
        if tstore-count not = REP-COUNT 
         display "FAIL: Thread storage rep-count BAD" 
         display "PASS: Thread storage rep-count good" 
        call "CBL_THREAD_PROG_UNLOCK" 
        exit program. 
        end program 'ts-entry'. 

        *                                                          *   
        * ts-test                                                  * 
        * Routine to get a thread storage area and increment its   *
        * count                                                    * 
        *                                                          *
        program-id. 'ts-test'. 
        working-storage section. 
        01 global-count pic 99999 value 0. 
        thread-local-storage section. 
        01 tl-ptr     cblt-pointer.
        01 tl-count   pic 999 value 0. 

        linkage section. 
        01 lnk-thredid  pic xxxx comp-5. 
        01 tstore-item. 
           05 filler   pic x. 
              88 TSTORE-INIT VALUE 'Y'. 
           05 tstore-count  pic 999. 
        procedure division using lnk-thredid. 
        call 'ts-get'   using tl-ptr 
        set address of tstore-item    to tl-ptr 
        add 1       to tstore-count 
        add 1       to tl-count 
       if tstore-count not = tl-count 
         display "ERROR: inconsistent thread local data" 
         stop run 
       call "CBL_THREAD_PROG_LOCK" 
       add 1 to global-count 
       display "MESSAGE: thread-test has been called " tstore-count 
         " by thread " lnk-thredid 
       display "MESSAGE: thread-test has been called " global-count " globally " 
       exit program. 
       end program 'ts-test'. 

       * ts-get                                                   * 
       * Common routine to get and initialize the thread storage  * 
       * area allocated by CBL_TSTORE_GET                         * 
       *                                                          *
       program-id. 'ts-get'. 
       data division. 
       working-storage section. 
       01 tstore-handle cblt-pointer external. 
       thread-local-storage section. 
       01 tl-ptr    cblt-pointer.
       linkage section. 
       01 tstore-item. 
          05 filler       pic x. 
             88 TSTORE-INIT VALUE 'Y'. 
          05 tstore-count pic 999. 
       01 lnk-ptr usage pointer. 

       procedure division using lnk-ptr. 
       call "CBL_TSTORE_GET" using by value     tstore-handle 
                                 by reference tl-ptr 
       if tl-ptr = NULL 
         display "FAIL: Error in getting thread " & 
                 "storage data" 
         stop run 
       set address of tstore-item to tl-ptr 
       if not TSTORE-INIT 
         move 0 to tstore-count 
       set tstore-init to true 
       set lnk-ptr to tl-ptr 

       exit program. 

       end program 'ts-get'.