Multi-table Joins

Restriction: This topic applies to Windows environments only.

The next query joins four tables in the TUTORIAL location to find the name of the customer, order date, product names, and quantities ordered -- for all orders with order number greater than three:

SELECT company, o_date, description, quantity
  FROM customer c, orders o, products p, items i
  WHERE c.c_no = o.c_no
    AND p.p_no = i.p_no
    AND o.o_no = i.o_no
    AND o.o_no > 3

The XDB Server will choose the optimal order for performing the join. Due to query optimization, a join performed on indexed columns may retrieve records in a different order than a join performed on nonindexed columns.

It is not possible to update, delete or insert into table records retrieved by performing a join. However, UPDATE and DELETE commands may contain joins embedded as subqueries in the WHERE clause to specify the target records in a table.