Download and Catalog DB2 Data

Guides you through the steps required to copy the LOAD control statement from the mainframe to your Windows machine using Micro Focus Mainframe Access Drag and Drop, and to copy the unloaded DB2 data to your Windows machine using Micro Focus Mainframe Access command-line tools.

Copy the LOAD control statement

  1. Start Windows File Explorer, and browse to the %ProgramFiles(x86)%\Micro Focus\Enterprise Developer\bin directory.
  2. Double-click mfdasmx.exe to launch Micro Focus Mainframe Access Drag and Drop.
  3. In the User Identification field, type your mainframe user ID.
  4. In the Current field, type your mainframe password.
  5. In the Catalog search criteria field, enter the PDS prefix for the PDS that contains your LOAD control statement; then click OK.
  6. Click Configure > Options.
  7. In the EBCDIC/ASCII translation group, check Sequential; then click OK.
  8. Drag and drop the mainframeID.UTILBTS.PUNCH1 file from the right pane to a destination folder in the left pane.
  9. Click OK on each popup notice.
  10. Close Mainframe Access Drag and Drop.

Copy and catalog the unloaded DB2 data

  1. Start an Enterprise Developer command prompt as an administrator. If you need instructions, see To start an Enterprise Developer command prompt as an administrator.
  2. At the command prompt, enter the following to copy the unloaded data in mainframeID.UTILBTS.SYSREC1 to a data file, DSN8910_EMP.DAT, and catalog mainframeID.UTILBTS.SYSREC1 in your DSNUTILS enterprise server region:
    mainframeID.UTILBTS.SYSREC1 /CATLOC=ESWorkArea\DSNUTILS\catalog.dat
    Data Description
    mainframeID The dataset qualifier
    datFilePath The local path to the directory where you want to store the extracted data file
    DSN8910_EMP.DAT The name of the data file containing extracted data
    ESWorkArea Your Enterprise Server WORKAREA folder, which by default is %USERPROFILE%\Documents\Micro Focus User\Enterprise Developer\WORKAREA
    DSNUTILS The name of your enterprise server region
    catalog.dat The name of the enterprise server catalog data file.
    After the command has completed, the mainframeID.UTILBTS.SYSREC1 data set has been copied to the DSN8910_EMP.DAT file and cataloged as mainframeID.UTILBTS.SYSREC1 in your enterprise server region.