To Configure a JES Region to use a Shared Catalog

For a JES region to be able to use a shared catalog and spool file, its region start-up file needs to be modified to make the association with a shared catalog definition. To associate a shared catalog definition with a region start-up file:
  1. Open the region start-up file using the Enterprise Server for .NET Administration UI's Region Startup File Editor.
  2. Select the Region > Catalog node in the Results pane. See number 1 in the diagram below. A properties window is now displayed to the right-hand side of the Results pane.
  3. Locate the Use shared catalog property and enter the name of the shared catalog definition name that you want associated with the region as its value. See number 2 in the diagram below. Alternatively, click the ... button to right of the property value field to display the Select Shared Catalog Definition dialog, from which you can select the required definition. The values for the Data File Location and System Catalog Location properties will have been changed to <Using shared catalog>.
    Note: If the Use shared catalog value is removed, the original Data File Location and System Catalog Location property values will be reinstated.
  4. Choose File > Save , or click the Save icon in the toolbar to save the file. See number 3 in the diagram below.

You must cold-start the region for the changes to take effect.