Generate loanPaym Web Service Components

Provides step-by-step instructions to generate all required components of the loanPaym Web service from the LoanDemoJSON project.

Use the New CICS Web Service wizard to generate the components of your Web service provider.

Create the LoanDemoJSON Web service

  1. In the Application Explorer view, expand Enterprise Developer > Enterprise Development Projects.
  2. Right-click the LoanDemoJSON project, and then select New > Interface > CICS Web Service from the context menu.
  3. Under Service type, select JSON message processing.
  4. From the drop-down list, select CICS Web Service Provider (Bottom-Up, Request-Response); then click Next.

    The Project field is already populated with the name of the current project, LoanDemoJSON.

  5. Click the Browse button that corresponds to the Program location field.
  6. Navigate to and select the loanPaym.cbl file, located in the LoanDemoJSON folder; then click OK.
  7. In the Service location field, type /cics/services/json/loanpaym.
  8. Select COMMAREA from the Program interface drop-down list; then click Next.

Specify Web service details

Here you define mapping and output artifacts.

Identify request and response structures
In the Mapping group, you specify the copybooks that contain request and response data structures.
  1. Click the Browse button that corresponds to the Request structure field.
  2. Navigate to and select the LOANINP.cpy file, located in the LoanDemoJSON folder; then click OK.
  3. Similarly, find and select the LOANOUT.cpy file to populate the Response structure field.

Specify output artifacts
In the Output artifacts group, you specify names and locations for request and response schema files and the location for the WSBIND file.
  1. Click the Browse button that corresponds to the JSON request field.
  2. Navigate to your project directory.
  3. Double-click the schema folder to select it.
  4. In the File name field, type loanDemoReq; then click Open.
  5. Click the Browse button that corresponds to the JSON response field.
  6. Navigate to the schema folder.
  7. In the File name field, type loanDemoResp; then click Open.
  8. Click the Browse button that corresponds to the WSBIND file field.
  9. On the Browse for WSBIND file dialog box, open the loadlib folder.
  10. In the File name field, type loanPaym; then click Open.
  11. Click Finish.