


This standard run-time function performs the entry of a single panel field/control by the user. It is similar to a standard COBOL ACCEPT statement, except that RM/Panels sets all the parameters and can perform many supporting activities automatically. Many characteristics of the field/control can then be modified through the Panel Editor, without requiring program changes or recompilation.

Note: While much more powerful than an ACCEPT statement, this standard run-time function is not the preferred method of allowing user input in RM/Panels. Use the EXECUTE EVENT standard run-time function as the primary method to allow user input. Use ACCEPT FIELD when only one field/control is needed.

Required Parameters

The program must set the name of the field/control to be accepted in RMP--FIELD-NAME. If the field/control occurs more than once, the occurrence number must be specified in RMP--FIELD-OCCUR. The occurrence numbers are equivalent to COBOL subscripts and begin at 1.

Returned Values

The value entered by the user is stored in the appropriate field/control within panelname.WS. The field/control termination code indicating the ending key is returned in RMP--EXCEPTION-NUMBER.

Additional Usage Notes

  • Before this standard run-time function can be executed, the panel must be displayed.
  • User Input Errors. If validation is specified for the field/control and an error is detected, the behavior of RM/Panels depends on the way in which user input was terminated. If the input was terminated by the auto-exit property or by pressing the Enter key, the error message is displayed and the user is forced to reenter the field/control. If input was terminated in any other way, control is returned to the application program and RMP--INVALID-INPUT is TRUE. If you want the error message displayed under these circumstances, you must execute the SHOW FIELD ERROR standard run-time function. This approach differs somewhat from the handling of invalid input during the execution of the EXECUTE EVENT function. During the execution of the ACCEPT FIELD function, RM/Panels assumes that the auto-exit property and the Enter key indicate a normal termination of input. The user should not be allowed to proceed if the input is invalid. During the EXECUTE EVENT function, RM/Panels assumes that many other keys also indicate normal termination of input.
    Note: If accelerator values are used for any fields/controls, check both the exception value and RMP--VALID-INPUT. Accelerator keys can affect code logic.
  • Disabled Fields/Controls. In the Panel Editor or at run-time execution, a field/control can be specified as not allowing entry. This characteristic does not apply to the ACCEPT FIELD standard run-time function. It only applies to standard run-time functions that allow input of more than one field/control. RM/Panels assumes that if a field/control is specifically identified for the ACCEPT FIELD standard run-time function, it should allow input regardless of the allow input characteristic. This can be quite useful. For example, ACCEPT FIELD might be used to allow input of a key field/control in a maintenance program, and then EXECUTE EVENT might be used to allow updating of the non-key fields/controls.


Status value Description
0 The function executed successfully.
1 The field/control name is invalid.
2 The occurrence number is invalid.
5 The panel is not in this library
6 The library does not exist.
10 The panel is not displayed.
14 A COBOL input/output error was encountered on the panel library during execution of this function. To determine the exact nature of the I/O error, use the C$RERR subprogram.