Walks you through the process of defining a post-build event that automatically binds the application after building the project.
Define a post-build event
- In the
Properties window,
click the
COBOL tab; then click
Build Events.
- In the Post build event command line field, type the following command:
DSN SYSTEM(HCODemo) @"$(ProjectDir)LBLDURATION.hcodsn"
This command calls the DSN Bind utility, specifies the SQL database connection to use, and states the location and name of
a bind script file.
Visual Studio executes this event immediately after building the application, automatically binding the application at that time.
- Click
OK to close the
Build Events dialog box.
- Close the
Properties window.
View the contents of the bind script file
- From the
Solution Explorer, open and review the contents of
LBLDURATION.hcodsn. This bind script file contains one BIND PLAN command that binds the LBLDURATION member into a plan named LBLDURATION.
Build and bind the applcation
- From the
Solution Explorer, rebuild the
LBLDURATION project, thereby generating a DBRM for the application and automatically binding it to the DBRM using the post-build event.
- Verify that the project built successfully.
Verify the results
- Using Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio, connect to your SQL Server instance.
- On the Object Explorer, expand
Databases > HCO_Test > Programmability > Stored Procedures to see the stored procedures HCOSS created when you executed your packages and plan.
- Open the stored procedure named
PLN:LBLDURATION.LBLDURATIONconsistency-token$0, where
consistency-token is the value of the generated consistency token.
In this, you see the SQL from your application code. You also see that HCOSS has converted the original DB2 DAYS expression
into T-SQL syntax that recreates the same functionality in SQL Server. This is due to having set the SQL(DIALECT=MAINFRAME)
directive when you compiled.