Specifies the name of the ChangeMan ZMF module. During ChangeMan request processing, MFA Server loads and branch enters this module. Valid values are SERXMLBC and SERXMLAC. The default is SERXMLAC.

The preferred interface module is SERXMLAC, which is not documented in ChangeMan ZMF. It provides better interface performance than SERXMLBC by using virtual storage instead of data sets for XML input and output exchange between MFA Server (the requester) and ChangeMan ZMF.

ChangeMan ZMF documents only the SERXMLBC interface, which is the XML services batch client. SERXMLBC is intended for use in a batch job stream and requires XMLIN and XMLOUT DD statements to define its required data sets. The MFAAS JCL sample provides sample DD statements for XMLIN and XMLOUT which are commented out by default. If you must use SERXMLBC, contact Micro Focus Customer Care for assistance with data set definitions.

Supported Values
Value Description
SERXMLAC Use XML to interface with ChangeMan.
SERXMLBC Use batch client to interface with ChangeMan.