An internal Panvalet error occurred while processing a PAM API request identified as: aaa={OPEN or CLS or READ or SRCH} The return codes and PanValet message numbers are documented within the CA licensed documentation: CA/Panvalet Messages Guide CA/Panvalet System Management Guide An incomplete summary follows:

Message Description
PV001 Invalid command
PV002 Member name invalid
PV003 Invalid sequence number
PV004 Excessive parameters
PV005 Required parameter missing
PV006 Numeric parameter too large
PV007 Parameter exceeds 10 characters
PV008 Unsupported language format
PV009 Invalid parameter
PV012 No statement found
PV023 Name not found
PV032 Sequence error
PV033 Library error
PV036 Access error: member locked
PV043 Library storage exceeded
PV046 Panvalet library empty
PV047 Virtual storage shortfall
PV051 Invalid Library file
PV066 Function terminated due to errors
PV070 Statement truncated
PV095 Invalid DCB for Library
PV118 LRECL must be 80 for this language type
PV124 Invalid file