Defines the attributes of a temporary storage (TS) record set.
Keyword Description
_TEmpstorage(name) Specifies the key of a temporary storage (TS) record. Mandatory.

Name can be up to eight characters in length. Acceptable characters are A through Z, 0 through 9, $, @ and #.

Group(groupname) Names the group the temporary storage definition belongs to. Mandatory.

Groupname can be up to eight characters in length. Acceptable characters are A through Z, 0 through 9, $, @ and #. Do not specify a group name starting with DFH, as Mainframe Subsystem Support (MSS) uses that prefix for system groups.

Description(text) Describes the temporary storage record. Optional.

Text can be up to 60 characters in length, with no restrictions except that if you use a left parenthesis you must ensure that there is a matching right parenthesis.

_REMOTESysid (sysid) Applicable only for remote queues. Specifies the ID of the remote system that holds the queue. This must correspond to either:
  • The Local SYSID field in the SIT used to run the related remote CICS region.
  • The APPLID of another CICS system.
_REMOTEName(name) Applicable only for remote queues. Names the remote queue. Necessary only if it differs from the local queue name.
_RECovery (NO | YES) Indicates whether or not the queue is recoverable.

Default is NO.

_RSl (RSL stands for Resource Security Level.) Specifies one or more indicators, each corresponding to one of the 24 resource keys for this program.

A user has access to a particular resource only through a matching key as defined in his sign-on table entry. To toggle a key on you specify its number here. By default all keys are toggled off. You code the keys as a comma-separated list of individual numbers and ranges separated by hyphens. For example, to toggle the keys 1 to 5 and 10 on, code RSL(1-5,10).

