Advanced Test Case Example

An example unit test that uses one COBOL program as the test case, which tests source code that is contained within a sub-program.

The first sample listed below is a complete test case; the second example is the sub-program containing the source code that the test case uses.

Ensuring that DATECHK.CBL is in the same directory as the test case, compile MFUT_DATECHK.CBL to .dll (Windows) or .so (UNIX) (see Compiling Tests), then run the resulting test suite (see Running Tests). Two tests should pass; view MFUT_DATECHK-report.txt for more information.

      $set case
      $set nestcall ans85
       copy "mfunit_prototypes.cpy".

      *                                                              *
      *                      MFUT_DATECHK.CBL                        *
      *                                                              *
      * MFUT_DATECHK is a test program for the subprogram "DATECHK". *
      *                                                              *

       identification division.
       program-id. MFUT_DATECHK.
       environment division.
       configuration section.
       data division.
       working-storage section.
       copy "mfunit.cpy".
       01 input-date                   pic x(10).
       01  output-date.
           02  day-name                pic xxx.
           02  day-no                  pic xx.
           02  month-name              pic xxx.
           02  year-no                 pic xxxx.
           02  days-since-jan-1-1900   pic x(8).

       01 tc-fail-count                binary-long.

       78 tc-usa     value  "U".
       78 tc-uk      value  "E".

       01 tc-msg-grp.
           03                         pic x(10) value "Test case ".
           03 tc-count                pic 999.
           03                         pic x(12) value " Failed -> ".
           03 tc-msg                  pic x(40).
           03                         pic x value x"0".

       procedure division.
       move 0 to tc-count tc-fail-count

       initialize output-date
       move "13/01/2000" to input-date, tc-msg
       call "datechk" using by reference input-date
                             by reference tc-usa
                             by reference output-date
       perform expect-fail

       initialize output-date
       move "13/01/2000" to input-date, tc-msg
       call "datechk" using by reference input-date
                              by reference tc-uk
                              by reference output-date
       perform expect-pass

      *>invalid year
       initialize output-date
       move "13/01/a000" to input-date, tc-msg
       call "datechk" using by reference input-date
                              by reference tc-uk
                              by reference output-date
       perform expect-fail

      *>invalid month
       initialize output-date
       move "00/01/2000" to input-date, tc-msg
       call "datechk" using by reference input-date
                                by reference tc-uk
                                by reference output-date
       perform expect-fail

       display "INFO: Test case count        : " tc-count
       display "INFO: Failed test case count : " tc-fail-count
       goback returning tc-fail-count.
       end-of-main section.

       expect-pass section.
           add 1 to tc-count
           if day-name equal spaces
               add 1 to tc-fail-count
               perform dump-output-values
               call MFU-ASSERT-FAIL-Z using
                   by reference tc-msg-grp

       expect-fail section.
         add 1 to tc-count
         if day-name not equal spaces and
            day-no not equal spaces
            add 1 to tc-fail-count
            perform dump-output-values
            call MFU-ASSERT-FAIL-Z using
                  by reference tc-msg-grp

       dump-output-values section.
         exhibit named tc-count input-date day-name
         exhibit named day-no month-name year-no days-since-jan-1-1900
           display "----------"

      *> include the actual source code that we want to test.
       copy "datechk.cbl".

       end program MFUT_DATECHK.
       program-id. datechk.
      *    This subprogram validates dates input in either   *
      *      EUROPEAN or USA format. The result is returned  *
      *      as day-name, day, month-name, year.             *
      *    The program also calculates days since 1:1:1900   *
       data division.
       working-storage section.
       01  days-in-month-table         pic x(26)
                       value "31283130313031313031303129".
       01  filler redefines days-in-month-table.
           03 days-in-month            pic 99          occurs 13.
       01  month-name-table            pic x(36)
       01  filler redefines month-name-table.
           03 short-month-name         pic xxx         occurs 12.
       01  day-names                   pic x(21)
                       value "MONTUEWEDTHUFRISATSUN".
       01  filler redefines day-names.
           03 day-of-the-week          pic xxx         occurs 7.
       01  leap-year-indicator         pic 9.
           88  leap-year   value 0.
       01  subscript                   pic 99.
           88  february    value 2.
       01  quotient                    pic 9999.
       01  working-date.
           03  work-day                pic 99.
           03  work-month              pic 99.
           03  work-year               pic 9999.
       01  julian-calculation.
           03  days-to-1900            pic 9(8).
           03  extra-leap-days         pic 99.
           03  days-to-date            pic 9(8).
           03  total-days              pic 9(8).
           03  current-date-integer    pic 9(8).
       01  end-of-19th-century         pic 99999999.

       linkage section.

       01  input-date.
           03 input-day-or-month       pic 99.
           03 filler                   pic x.
           03 input-month-or-day       pic 99.
           03 filler                   pic x.
           03 input-year               pic 9999.

       01  usa-or-uk                   pic x.
           88  usa     value  "U".
           88  uk      value  "E".

       01  output-date.
           02  day-name                pic xxx.
           02  day-no                  pic xx.
           02  month-name              pic xxx.
           02  full-year-no.
               03  cent-no             pic xx.
               03  year-no             pic xx.
           02  days-since-jan-1-1900   pic x(8).

       procedure division using input-date, usa-or-uk, output-date.
       date-check section.
           if uk move input-day-or-month to work-day
                 move input-month-or-day to work-month
           else  move "U" to usa-or-uk
                 move input-day-or-month to work-month
                 move input-month-or-day to work-day
           move input-year to work-year.
           move spaces to day-name
           move 0 TO days-since-jan-1-1900 total-days
           move work-day to day-no
           move work-month to month-name
           move work-year to full-year-no.

           if input-year not numeric
               move spaces to year-no
               if work-year = 0
                   move 1 to leap-year-indicator
                   divide work-year by 4 giving quotient
                                       remainder leap-year-indicator
               if work-month is less than 1 or greater than 12
                   move spaces to month-name
                   move work-month to subscript
                   move short-month-name (subscript) to month-name
                   if leap-year and february
                       move 13 to subscript
                   if   work-day is less than 1
                     or greater than days-in-month (subscript)
                       move spaces to day-no
                       perform calc-1900
           exit program.

      *Calculate days since start of century.
       calc-1900                 .
           move input-year to current-date-integer(1:4)
           move work-month to current-date-integer(5:2)
           move work-day to current-date-integer(7:2)
           move "18991231" to end-of-19th-century
           compute days-to-date =
           function integer-of-date(current-date-integer)
           compute days-to-1900 =
           function integer-of-date(end-of-19th-century)
           subtract days-to-1900 from days-to-date giving total-days
           move total-days to days-since-jan-1-1900
           subtract 1 from total-days
           divide total-days by 7 giving quotient remainder subscript.
           add 1 to subscript.
           move day-of-the-week (subscript) to day-name.

       end program datechk.