Debug the ACCT Transaction

Guides you through the process of creating a debug configuration and debugging the ACCT transaction using the Eclipse debugger.

Create a debug configuration for the ACCTWEB project

  1. Click Run > Debug Configurations.
  2. Right-click COBOL Enterprise Server and click New.
  3. Specify ACCTWEB Debug in the Name field.
  4. In the Debugging type section, click the CICS tab.
  5. Type ACCTWEB in the Link-level program field.

    This configures Eclipse to debug the Web server program.

  6. Click Apply.

    Do not close the Debug Configurations dialog box.

Debug the transaction

  1. On the Debug Configurations dialog box, click Debug.
  2. Click Yes when prompted to switch to the Debug perspective.
  3. Enter the following URL into a browser: http://localhost:9003/ACCTWEB, to run the ACCTWEB application.
  4. In Eclipse, step through the CICS application in the usual manner.
    Note: When you have finished debugging, you must stop the debugger before you stop the enterprise server. This stops all the active transactions and ensures the enterprise server stops cleanly.
  5. To stop debugging, right-click the session in the Debug pane and then click Terminate.
  6. To stop the server, switch back to the Team Developer perspective; then right-click ESACCTSV in Server Explorer and click Stop.

This concludes the tutorial.