Customize Transfer Data tab

Restriction: This topic applies to Windows environments only.

Tables grid

The sequence in which each object is transferred from the DB2 database to the SQL Server database.
The names of schemas containing data to be transferred.
The names of tables containing data to be transferred.
Buffer rows
The maximum number of rows that can be held in an individual buffer during the transfer.
Perform the transfer by running a query against the SQL Server via the SSIS engine.

Transfer Task Options group

DB2 Isolation Level
Enables you to customize the DB2 isolation level. The options are:
Cursor Stability (default)
Uncommitted Read
Read Stability
Repeatable Read
Fail on Error
The data transfer fails when it encounters an error.
Log Error Rows
The Transfer Data tool logs an error for each row or series of rows containing an error, based on the number specified in the Commit Size field.
Commit Size
When Log Error Rows is selected, this editable field shows the number of error rows to identify before committing to the log file. Default is 10.
Ignore Error
The Transfer Data Tool ignores all errors and continues transferring data.
Fire Triggers
When checked, HCOSS fires all defined triggers during the data transfer. Default is unchecked.
Check Constraints
When checked, SQL Server performs all defined checks during the data transfer. Default is unchecked.


Use the other controls in this group to build an WHERE clause for the query that corresponds to the tables selected on the grid.
Use the other controls in this group to build an ORDER BY clause for the query that corresponds to the tables selected on the grid.
Lists the columns available for the tables selected on the grid.
Conditional Operator
Lists valid conditional operators you can use for this clause.
Inserts an AND into the clause.
Inserts an OR into the clause.
A literal value to insert into the clause.
Move completed clauses to the Predicate or Sort Order box.
Remove the clause from the Predicate or Sort Order box.
Predicate or Sort Order
Shows the code for a completed clause.

Transfer List Actions group

Updates the selected query with the WHERE or ORDER BY clause in the Predicate or Sort Order box.
Save All
Saves all changes made to all table queries on the Objects list. Once saved, you cannot revert your changes.
Removes all changes made to the table queries selected on the Objects list, setting them back to their last saved state. Once saved, you cannot revert your changes.
Revert All
Removes all changes made to all table queries on the Objects list, setting them back to their last saved state. Once saved, you cannot revert your changes.

Source Table Row Count group

Estimate using schema statistics
Estimate the row count by querying CARDF in SYSIBM.SYSTABLES. Use this option for optimal performance if your schema statistics have been recently updated. This is the default setting when you have not specified a WHERE clause.
Acutal using COUNT_BIG(*)
Directly query the row count by executing SELECT COUNT_BIG(*) FROM targetTable. This option provides an accurate count of the rows to be transferred. This is the default setting when you specify a WHERE clause. Large tables can degrade performance.

Data Transfer Actions group

Clear the data tables in the destination SQL Server database.
Transfer the data.