Display and filter the catalog

Use these steps to display the catalog contents of the selected enterprise server, and then if you have a large number of items in it, filter those on view.

Note: In Server Explorer, the Catalog folder node that is displayed beneath the selected enterprise server is not the catalog on the enterprise server. It is a local catalog that can be used with integrated drag and drop; see Using Mainframe Access.
  1. In Server Explorer, right-click the JES-enabled enterprise server, and select Show Catalog.

    The Catalog:<ES-name> tab is displayed. The contents of the catalog is displayed without a filter applied.

  2. To filter the items displayed, in the Search box, enter a full or partial DS name using wildcards where applicable, and then press Enter. The list of items is filtered on your search criteria.
    Tip: To disable the use of implied wildcards; for example, a filter of A.B would only return a data set of A.B (and not all data sets that start A.B, as if A.B** had been entered), click Catalog filter and select Disable additional qualifiers.
  3. To only show items that are cataloged, click Catalog filter, and then select Cataloged Only. Only those items that are cataloged are shown. Repeat this step to remove the cataloged filter.
  4. To remove the filter, displaying all items again, click Cancel filter in the Search box.