USS Create Resource


This tool creates a new USS resource (directory or file).

Tool Attribute:

Attribute Type Description
Resource Type Selection Defines the resource type to be created.

Valid values are:

  • Folder
  • File
  • From Parameter

The From Parameter means the resource type is specified by a tool input parameter.

Existing Resource Handling Selection Specifies handling when the target USS resource already exists.

Valid values are:

The target resource is replaced without a message.
The target resource stays untouched.
An error message is produced.
From Parameter
The handling is defined by an additional parameter.


Parameter Name I/O Type Description
Resource Destination [M] I String Directory in which the new resource is to be created.
Resource Name [M] I String Name of the new resource.
Resource Type [O] I String Type of the resource to be created (only relevant, if the tool attribute Resource Type is set to From Parameter).

Valid values are:

  • Folder
  • File