Running an HACloud TN3270 session

Ensure that the HACloud session server is running before you can use the HACloud TN3270 emulator.

To open the HACloud emulator:

  1. In a browser, open the endpoint: http://localhost:7443. If you have configured any non-default settings, such as HTTPS connection, you need to specify this.

    This shows the Available Sessions dialog box. If any of the servers has a TN3270 listener defined, these appear in the list of available sessions in the following format: 3270 ServerName@HostIP:PortNumber.

    If this dialog box is not visible, click OPEN SESSION to start it.

  2. Click the row for the connection for the TN3270 emulator to start and connect to your region.

    This starts the HACloud TN3270 emulator and loads in it the application running in the region.